Don't forget... a small digital camera, Charmin To Go, premoistened baby-wipes, Vivarin, Tums, Advil, Neosporin, Benadryl, preprinted address labels (for postcards home), earplugs, mini-flashlight, travel alarm clock/wristwatch, business cards (with e-mail address), flip-flops or sandals, spare contact lenses, long-fingered gloves, battery-powered fan, face cloth, plastic zip ties, shampoo in a tube, Bag Balm, Saline, bandaids, Liquid Band-Aid, shower cap, powdered Woolite, Chapstick, spare sunglasses, sunscreen, pedal wrench, duct tape, garbage bag (instant rain poncho), pocket knife, your favourite drink mix, chewing gum. Go to any French Pharmacy before the ride and get a tube of "Nestosyl" ointment. It's a soothing French antiseptic balm for bee stings and saddle sores. If you have a support crew bring walkie-talkies, an inverter to charge batteries in the car, calculator, clipboard, Michelin Maps, small blankets, and a backup Camelbak bladder. Finances: Bring cash or travelers cheques in Euros, which are available from your banque or American Express online. You can get AmEx foreign currency travelers cheques from AAA, if you are a member. You can get cash from ATMs all over France with a major credit card an a PIN number. Plan on spending about $2500 for your total trip. $800 airfare, $800 lodging, $500 on food, and the rest will disappear on transportation, stamps, postcards, snacks and souvenirs.