ATTENDEES (b=board member): Lois Springsteen (b), Jennifer Wise (b), Don Hamilton, Mike Dayton (b), Edward Robinson(b), John Lee Ellis(b), Eric Vigoren(b), Cecil Reniche-Smith (b), James Kuehn, Mark Thomas (b-elect) .

  1. American Explorer Award.

    The Board agreed to proceed with efforts toward establishing the American Explorer Award, intended to recognize RUSA members who complete events in multiple states. It was agreed that RUSA member Ken Knutsen would continue development work on the award and carry out its initial administration, with an eventual transition to online administration at the RUSA website.

  2. P-12 Award.

    The Board clarified the qualifying criteria for the new P-12 Award, verifying that it would match precisely the R-12 Award for events of less than 200 kilometers, except that foreign events shall not count toward the award. With the details finalized, the Board approved a formal launch of the P-12 Award.

  3. RUSA Representation at Audax Club Parisien's Annual Award Ceremony.

    The Board enthusiastically agreed to send Jennifer Wise to attend, on RUSA's behalf, the January 2011 annual award ceremony held by the Audax Club Parisien.

  4. Miscellaneous Issues.

    The Board's discussions also touched briefly on issues pertaining to R-5000 Award processing, preparation of the next issue of the American Randonneur newsletter, and the ongoing PBP jersey design contest.